February 5

Are you in a place where you feel as though all ears have been shut to you? In a place where it seems your voice has been masked to the point where no one can hear you?‭‭ Well if that is you worry not because you are not the only one. Many of us often feel alone. We feel like the world around us is blindly watching us as we die. There is, however, One person who always sees us, One who will always be there, and that person is God. He is the one that hears our cry even before we begin to cry.

The ears of the Lord are attentive to the voice of us all. He hears every word even before it is uttered. Do not ever think to yourself that you are too much of a sinner for God to care about you or even to love you. We are the reason why He shed His blood in the first place, and He is nearer to us than we think and far more concerned about our needs even more than we are concerned about them.

Call unto the Lord no matter where you are in life, for His word said in Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near is near to all who call on Him” There isn’t a corner that He cannot reach. No matter where you are, call on Him in truth and He will show up even at that crucial hour. Know that you are never too broken for God for save you and use you. If you are lost He is in the business of finding those who are lost. If you are broken He is in the business of mending that which is broken and making it new. He hears you, all you need to do is to call on Him. Take some time out to call on the name of the Lord, and allow Him to take control of your life and your situation.

Psalm 145:18 NIV “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”

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