July 29
Psalm 145:1-3
“I will exalt you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever. I will praise you every day; yes, I will praise you forever. Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness.”
Exalt the King of Kings, and exalt His name! He is the only one who is worthy of praise honor and adoration. He is the only one deserving of all glory. He is the Lion if the Tribe of Judah. The Rose of Sharon. He is the conquerer. He is the only one able to heal, deliver, save, change, revive, restore, and rebuild. He is the only one who has all power at His disposal.
He is the same one who has loved us and called us. He is indeed worthy to be praised and greatly to honor. He is th creator of all creation. Therefore if you are are His creation rise and honor Him. Rise and glorify His majestic name and adore Him. Praise Him forever and glorify Him till eternity.